A Fig Newton of My Imagination
Benjamin Barrett
gogaku at IX.NETCOM.COM
Thu Jun 2 07:41:33 UTC 2005
108 webcites on Google for "a fig newton of my imagination", 280 for
"...your imagination" and 50 for other possessive pronouns.
Benjamin Barrett
Baking the World a Better Place
BAT VAMP (THE DARK NIGHT) and Rabid, the Bat Wonder
By Duke Da "It's a fig newton of my imagination" Duck [copyright 1992 by Ken
Cooney] (http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/1155/batvamp002.html)
I can't remember how one played it - I just remember the name. It's either a
senior moment or a fig newton of my imagination if no one else remembers it.
(Bird, 11 April 2000:
http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/BronxRoots/2000-04/0955482136 $B!K (B
Age: This is not happening. This is, as we used to say in my family, a fig
newton of my imagination. (George Bender, Summer 2001:
(Capitalized webcite)
see, I finally got up enough nerve to ask out this certain young lady (any
resemblance to the actuality of anyone whom you might remember is purely a
Fig Newton of my imagination). (apparently by George "Pappy" Swan ('59),
August 2004: http://alumnisandstorm.tripod.com/htm2004/2004-08-Aug.htm)
(And with a hyphen)
"Yeah, you are a fig-newton of my imagination," Zio said. (author, date
unknown: http://www.phantasy-star.net/xmas/carol2.html)
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