Query from Wired: "more cowbell"

Geoffrey Nunberg nunberg at CSLI.STANFORD.EDU
Mon Jun 6 23:50:22 UTC 2005

I had this question from Mark Robinson, an editor at Wired. Can
anybody help with suggestions? Please copy your answer to
Mark_Robinson at wiredmag.com.

Geoff Nunberg

>  i was hoping you could give me some quick advice. we're doing a
>>  little item in the front of the magazine about the phrase "more
>>  cowbell." it has had a sudden resurgence in the last year or so. we
>>  wanted to trace that resurgence. (the term, as you may recall,
>>  originated in a hilarious saturday night live skit spoofing the
>>  creation of blue oyster cult's landmark song "don't fear the
>>  reaper.")
>>  our theory on this is that, like ebola or bird flu, catch phrases
>>  from pop culture can go underground for years only to surface and
>>  suddenly explode into popularity. we were hoping to use "more
>>  cowbell" as an example. any suggestions on how to trace the sudden
>>  upsurge in usage?

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