query about an isogloss (pos. "anymore")

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Mon Jun 13 18:21:00 UTC 2005

At 11:43 AM -0400 6/10/05, Wilson Gray wrote:
>I'm pleased to see that "jack off," an old friend that I first met in
>St. Louis in 1949 ["If your uncle Jack was stuck on a telephone pole,
>would you help your uncle jack off?"],

And let's not forget the locus classicus:

Office manager to employee:  "Jill, I have a terrible problem--I have
to lay you or Jack off"
Employee:  "Well, you better jack off.  I have a bitch of a headache."

"Jerk off" just doesn't do it here.


>is still alive and kicking, in
>print, at least, and has not been entirely swept away by the
>Johnny-come-lately (to my vocabulary, anyhow) "jerk off."

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