televangelism (1958)

Benjamin Zimmer bgzimmer at RCI.RUTGERS.EDU
Sun Jun 19 07:09:14 UTC 2005

televangelism (OED 1980)

1958 _L.A. Times_ 27 Sep. 12/2 Ahead is a big project, "Televangelism
1959," utilizing the series [sc. the religious television series "This Is
The Answer"]. Scheduled to start in Jan. 1959, it will be supported by all
major Baptist bodies and will emphasize personal evangelism.

1958 _Tri-City Herald_ (Pasco, Wash.) 5 Dec. 6/5 The Radio and Television
Commission of The Southern Baptist Convention is producing 13 special
films in the "This Is The Answer" series called "Televangelism." ... One
hundred television stations in the United States and Canada will carry the
"Televangelism" series.

--Ben Zimmer

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