Borg Sighting
Benjamin Barrett
gogaku at IX.NETCOM.COM
Sat Jun 25 22:43:15 UTC 2005
<Borg voice>Thank you. I'm now on board with the Seattle use of Borg! -B in
> -----Original Message-----
> From: American Dialect Society
> [mailto:ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU] On Behalf Of Dave Wilton
> It's a fairly common usage. Here's one going back to 1997:
> "Despite the cool virtual-reality gadgets available in the
> TechZone wing (sponsored by Seattle computer mega-giant,
> Microsoft, frequently referred to by locals as The Borg),
> Seattle's science center is much like Vancouver's -
> scientific principles don't change with the currency."
> Seattle Times, 17 Aug 1997.
> Other companies are also the target of such comparisons. I
> used to work for a government contractor, SAIC, that was
> commonly called "the Borg" by our government clients because
> of the companies practice of hiring
> ("assimilating") clients who were retiring from government service.
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