"As If"

Beverly Flanigan flanigan at OHIO.EDU
Thu Jun 30 19:57:59 UTC 2005

How about the old Shazzam?  Or has this been mentioned?

At 03:32 PM 6/30/2005, you wrote:
>In a message dated 6/26/2005 6:25:24 PM Central Standard Time,
>bgzimmer at RCI.RUTGERS.EDU writes:
>I'm guessing it's a blend of "sha!" + "as if!" -- two interjections
>popularized by "Wayne's World" (the movie came out in '92).
>Yeah, that's what I always assumed it was.  As in
>Speaker A: "Don't you just love the new minimalist program?"
>Speaker B:    "Shazif."  (or) "Shazif.  I've so moved on to functionalism."
>Douglas S. Bigham
>Department of Linguistics
>University of Texas - Austin

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