
Alice Faber faber at HASKINS.YALE.EDU
Fri Mar 4 00:08:44 UTC 2005

Jonathan Lighter wrote:
> According to Heather Wood and the other fine folks at the Forum for Ballad Scholars (<BALLAD-L at LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU>), an "earworm" is a nagging tune that is maddeningly difficult to get out of one's mind.  As far as anyone knows, it's a hot new loan-translation of German Ohrwurm, a "haunting melody."
> One can be "haunted" in various ways.  The calque seems to run to the horrific end of the spectrum; "Jingle Bell Rock" is a good example for me.

Loan translation, maybe, but certainly not new. Here's a 1996 use from
alt.folklore.urban, where I'm sure I saw it used earlier than that even
(but google provides no evidence):
Taking group out of the search field, I found a 1994 thread called
"Earworm from hell" in soc.motss.


Alice Faber

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