Adam and Eve and Pinch Me Tight

Benjamin Zimmer bgzimmer at RCI.RUTGERS.EDU
Fri Mar 4 07:25:57 UTC 2005

On Fri, 4 Mar 2005 00:36:55 -0600, Dan Goodman <dsgood at IPHOUSE.COM> wrote:

>Date:    Thu, 3 Mar 2005 01:55:35 -0500
>From:    bapopik at AOL.COM
>Subject: West Virginia Folklore (1950s),
>          especially children's rhymes (Liar Liar, 1958)
>WEST VIRGINIA FOLKLORE, Summer 1952, vol. II. no. 4
>Pg. 13:
>Finger Games
>Adam and Eve and Pinch-Me-Tight
>Went down to the river to see the fight.
>Adam and Eve got home that night
>And who was left to see the fight?
>(When child answers "Pinch Me Tight" the other child pinches him.)
>In 1921, Penguin published A. E. Coppard's story collection _Adam and
>Eve and Pinch Me_, which included "Adam and Eve and Pinch Me".  The
>story presumably appeared in a magazine some time earlier.

Los Angeles Times, Oct 12, 1915, p. I9
Pete said: "Say Bill, tell me this one. Adam, and Eve, and Pinch-me all
went down to bathe; Adam and Eve were drowned, now who was the one to be
Friend William gave it the mathematical observation for a moment, and then
said sprightly: "Pinch-me of course." [Ends in a fight.]
Washington Post, Nov 28, 1915, p. E20
Adam and Eve and Pinch me all went out to swim -- Adam and Eve were
drowned -- Who was saved?
Nobody was likely to forget that one, after it had once been played on him.

The latter appears in an article that I'm surprised Barry hasn't found
yet: "Charm of Children's Jingle Games is Mystery of Origin." It also has:

"Acker, backer, soda cracker,
Acker, backer, boo!
My father chews tobacker,
Out goes you."

(Or with the third line: "If your father chews tobacker...")

"As I was going to Salt Lake
I met a little rattlesnake,
He'd e't so much of jelly cake [or "ginger cake"]
It made his little belly ache."

"Engine number nine,
Stick your head in turpentine.
Turpentine make it shine
Engine number nine."

...etc., etc.

--Ben Zimmer

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