Is GENERICIDE a bad choice or morphemes?

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Sat Mar 5 01:54:36 UTC 2005

At 5:54 PM -0600 3/4/05, Mullins, Bill wrote:
>  Also seen:
>Bushicide -- referring to George Bush being a killer, and
>Shoeicide -- referring to the shoe bomber, and a shoe as a weapon

Nice examples--but note that not one of these (including hype-icide
and other examples cited earlier) is the X of Xicide a goal argument.
For these to be truly parallel, one would have to use the Xicide item
with the meaning

'to kill (off) Z by turning Z into X',

i.e. to wipe someone out by turning them into Bush, a shoe, spam,
etc., the way genericide kills Kleenex, scotch-tape, etc. as brand
names by turning them into generics.

One closer parallel might be "Borgicide", for death via assimilation
into the Borg (in Star Trek Voyager).  I tried googling this, but the
results were inconclusive and I'm at a disadvantage, since basically
all I know about the Borg is the association with "You Will Be
Assimilated" line.

Hey, maybe ethnic cleansing (e.g. "Russianizing" the Latvians, to use
a failed attempt at doing so) isn't such a bad parallel.  But that
would still suggest "genericizing"/"genericization" rather than
"genericide" as the appropriate nominal.


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