big cup of . . .

Wilson Gray wilson.gray at RCN.COM
Fri Mar 11 19:53:00 UTC 2005

>---------------------- Information from the mail header
>Sender:       American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
>Poster:       "Mullins, Bill" <Bill.Mullins at US.ARMY.MIL>
>Subject:      big cup of . . .
>  Tom Smith to Warren Buffet:
>"Have a nice big cup of shut the hell up"
>Reminds me of "open up a can of whoop ass"

The correct translation of this phrase into the language of The Man
is "open (up) a can of *whip*-ass." BTW, what's up with this
re-respelling of a word whose eye-dialect form has been "whup" since
two hours after God separated the heavens from the earth? Not to
mention that we old heads know that "whoop" is pronounced [hup], as
in "the blood-curdling war-whoops of the red-skinned savages" or in
"whoop-de-doo." I guess this tragic loss of the classic form is
probably due to the steady attrition of comic strips featuring
untutored Southrons as objects of derision.

IFAC, "Southrons!" is the first word of a long poem entitled "Dixie"
that I once ran across as a child in the 1944 edition of "The Book of
Knowledge: The Children's Encyclopedia." Since its rhythm failed to
fit the rhythm of the song of the same name, which I've always
considered to have quite a catchy tune, the only part of the poem
that I bothered to remember is the first word.


>Are there others?

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