
David Bowie db.list at PMPKN.NET
Thu Mar 17 13:57:58 UTC 2005

From:    neil <neil at TYPOG.CO.UK>
> on 16/3/05 2:33 pm, Wilson Gray at wilson.gray at RCN.COM wrote:

>>How do you feel about "oggle"? This is the way that I've heard it
>>pronounced most often, And then there's "ohgle," which is the way
>>that I pronounce "ogle" in my mind when I read it. I've never once
>>had occasion to speak this word aloud. AFAIK, it's not used in any
>>spoken register of BE.

> 'ohgle' would be my pronunciation, also; but from now on I'll be oogling -
> with its echoes of goo-goo eyes.

By "ohgle", do you all mean [ogl]? It's an ambiguous spelling to me.

For my part, i use [ogl], and when i've heard [agl] i've always assumed
it was a spelling pronunciation--who knew? (I've never, as far as i
remember, heard [ugl].)

And while i've got you, i'll mention that Jimmy Chunga, one of the
morning DJs on Salt Lake City's KENZ, does an absolutely *wonderful*
(and not entirely parodic) mimic of Judge Joe Brown.

David Bowie                               
     Jeanne's Two Laws of Chocolate: If there is no chocolate in the
     house, there is too little; some must be purchased. If there is
     chocolate in the house, there is too much; it must be consumed.

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