More overcorrection
Jonathan Lighter
wuxxmupp2000 at YAHOO.COM
Fri Mar 18 12:07:07 UTC 2005
East Tennessee may have more R's per capita than any other area. I've never heard any of your other exx., but "ballard" may be influenced by the surname "Ballard."
Wilson Gray <wilson.gray at RCN.COM> wrote:
---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Dialect Society
Poster: Wilson Gray
Subject: Re: More overcorrection
>---------------------- Information from the mail header
>Sender: American Dialect Society
>Poster: Jonathan Lighter
>Subject: Re: More overcorrection
>I've heard "ballard" several times from white Southerners of varying ages.
I recommend that no attempt be made to show them the error of their ways. ;-)
But seriously, folks, why is it that people whose dialect is
otherwise r-less say things like ballard, jurdge, murch, and even
things like "such" = "search," but "search" = "such."
-Wilson Gray
>Wilson Gray wrote:
>---------------------- Information from the mail header
>Sender: American Dialect Society
>Poster: Wilson Gray
>Subject: More overcorrection
>"Ballards," title of a 1962 album by the Texas bluesman, Charles
>"Good-Time Charlie" Brown.
>This particular overcorrection is used in speech as well as in
>writing. I once advised a friend of mine, likewise a black native of
>Texas, that the word is [bael at d], not [bael at rd]. I should have kept
>my advice to myself. Some people you just can't talk to.
>-Wilson Gray
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