noted without comment

Michael McKernan mckernan at LOCALNET.COM
Fri Mar 25 08:38:02 UTC 2005

>The Atchison Champion says: "This State of Kansas is a Republican State.
>It gave Gov. Hayes over forty thousand majority. Its people are a martial
>people. Of its
>total population, a very large proportion are trained and disciplined
>soldiers. But there is not one citizen of Kansas in a thousand who does
>not want the disputed
>Presidency settled quietly and peacefully, under the forms of law. There
>has been no talk of "wah" in Kansas. Our people know what war means, and
>they want
>none of it. They take no stock in and have no patience with the
>blustering, brawling rascals who are howling for "wah." They are quietly
>going about their business,
>"and waiting for the verdict," and perfectly content to accept it, whether
>it be for Hayes or Tilden."
>Winfield Courier, January 4, 1877. Editorial Page.

Michael McKernan

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