"Cheesecake" (women)--another possible etymology

Cohen, Gerald Leonard gcohen at UMR.EDU
Fri May 6 01:38:56 UTC 2005

   I just remembered a suggestion on "cheesecake" from a colleague (no longer living) many years ago.  If the suggestion has any plausibility, I'll mention his name later.

   He told me that a popular NYC restaurant (on Broadway? 40th-50th street?) had a display window with both a large cheesecake and lots of photos of female movie stars in various sexy poses.  He told me the name of the restaurant, but I've forgotten it. Presumably men stopping to look at the pictures might be encouraged by their wives/dates to move on and would reply that they're looking at the cheesecake (the food). Their answer of course fooled no one, and hence
the transference of "cheesecake" to the photos.

    Without more evidence this is of course just speculation.

Gerald Cohen

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