Query: why "salt and pepper" but not "pepper and salt"?

FRITZ JUENGLING juengling_fritz at SALKEIZ.K12.OR.US
Thu May 19 22:51:33 UTC 2005

To what degree does stress play a role in such things?  My in-laws call my wife and me "Holly 'n' Fritz".  My folks call us "Fritz 'n' Holly".  I think the latter is much easier to say, but the in-laws don't go for it.  Maybe they just have too much stress in their lives already.

>>> RonButters at AOL.COM 05/19/05 03:39PM >>>
In a message dated 5/18/05 10:31:04 PM, stalker at MSU.EDU writes:

> Doesn't the stress pattern have something to do with it? Who ever heard of a
>Pony and Dog Show? Who remembers buggy and horse days? Is anybody tired and
>sick of all these questions?

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