defense = verb

FRITZ JUENGLING juengling_fritz at SALKEIZ.K12.OR.US
Thu Nov 10 22:15:28 UTC 2005

Bill, where have you been? :)  I've been hearing this for years from sportscasters. So much, that it does not even bother me anymore (I love Big Brother).  If I remember correctly Bob Costas says it, but I might be imagining that.

>>> Bill.Mullins at US.ARMY.MIL 11/10/05 01:01PM >>>
"Clausen, Oaks Christian lighting up defenses"  By Christopher Lawlor,
USA TODAY  11/8/2005 Pg. 2C

 " "We're more balanced on offense this season." [Marc] Tyler says.
"It's hard to defense us." "

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