jump = copulate with?

Wilson Gray hwgray at GMAIL.COM
Wed Nov 16 22:12:16 UTC 2005

On 11/16/05, Joel S. Berson <Berson at att.net> wrote:
> ---------------------- Information from the mail header
> -----------------------
> Sender: American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
> Poster: "Joel S. Berson" <Berson at ATT.NET>
> Subject: Re: jump = copulate with?
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Well, "copulate" (trans) is obsolete (OED2). Jesse's F word is more
> versatile and current.
> Is the Calloway "jump" intr?
> Joel
> At 11/16/2005 03:27 PM, you wrote:
> >And then there'e the old hip-hop tune, "Jump! Jump!," by Kris Kross, in
> >which "jump" means only "copulate" and not "copulate with." The same is
> tru=
> >e
> >of the old Cab Calloway tune, "The Jumpin' Jive."

It's intransitive, except in cases such, "After he had stepped into the
alley to take a leak, a strong-arm man jumped him."

Oops! I nearly missed your point. I mean only that "jump" can mean
"copulate," but not "copulate with," because you'd have to say "jump with,"
if "copulate with" was meant.


-Wilson Gray

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