"And/Then I'm the Queen of England"

bapopik at AOL.COM bapopik at AOL.COM
Fri Nov 18 14:28:20 UTC 2005

"I'M THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND"--2,990 Google hits
Outgoing, two-term Manhattan Borough President C. Virginia Fields is going to New Orleans to help its recovery. A non-friendly website, www.virginiafields.com, states: "God Save New Orleans." In a recent NY Post article, Virginia Fields said that "I'm an expert in government efficiency."
I had to laugh. And I'm the Queen of England.
Fifteen years ago, after Gerald Cohen and I solved "the Big Apple" and traced it to New Orleans, I went to the Manhattan Borough President's office...it's a long story.
Has anyone done the "Queen of England" phrase?
 The Chronicle TelegramSaturday, January 03, 1987 Elyria, Ohio
...like, "If you're a genius THEn I'M THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND." THE notion that a.....don't take THEm seriously. Besides, I'M a psychologist. I can be crazy if I..

 The Oakland TribuneMonday, October 07, 1963 Oakland, California
...guys are THE New Yort Yankees, I'M THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND "I first began to.....I don't know what his real name is but I'M betting it's got to be THEre's no..

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