Something titled "The English liberal science..." of 1650?

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Thu Oct 6 12:28:13 UTC 2005

Eric Partridge, in "A dictionary of slang and unconventional English"
(1984) writes "In 1650 there appeared an anonymous pamphlet entitled
_The English Liberal Science: or a new-found Art and Order of
Drinking_. In addition to some general matter (introduction, comment,
anecdote), there are groups of slangy and colloquial phrases used
freely by tavern-frequenters of the time." He writes that he
reproduces the list "complete".

I have been unable to uncover anything with this title, or with
subsets of its title words (Harvard, British Library, WorldCat).  Nor
has a Harvard reference librarian (who I assume also checked
ESTC).  Can anyone help?


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