'something with bling?'

Jonathan Lighter wuxxmupp2000 at YAHOO.COM
Thu Sep 1 20:45:25 UTC 2005

"Bling" usually means jewelry, but I have run across it also in the secondary sense of "flash; flashiness."


Michael McKernan <mckernan at LOCALNET.COM> wrote:
---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Dialect Society
Poster: Michael McKernan
Subject: 'something with bling?'

I see an extensive discussion (or at least repetition) of 'bling bling' or
'bling-bling' in the Archives as hip-hop slang (flashy jewelry...), but
it's unclear whether the single form ('bling') is an alternative with the
same meaning (or not in use in this context).

In today's NYT:

>A Little Shoe Therapy Never Hurt
>You don't have to be preparing for your first day of high
>school to seek out a great pair of shoes on the Web.

>Ignoring it, I asked if I could try on every ballet flat in the shoe
>"Do you want something plain or something with bling?" the clerk asked.
>"Something a teenager would never wear," I said.

Michael McKernan

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