refugee, IDP, evacuee

Margaret Lee mlee303 at YAHOO.COM
Thu Sep 8 09:53:11 UTC 2005

Count me as the other "token" on the list. I totally agree with your thinking on "insurgent/insurgency."

Harrold Wilson Gray <hwgray at GMAIL.COM> wrote:FWIW, as the listserv's token black, uh, Negro, uh, colored person, uh,
person of color, African-American, or whatever other lame-assed term is
currently in use, I personally do not find any of these terms
objectionable in any way whatsoever, with the sole exception of
"insurgent," which I find appallingly insulting and racist, implying,
as it does, that the black population of New Orleans is, for no reason
whatsoever, in armed rebellion against the government of the United
States, which is only trying to help.

-Wilson Gray

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