Those Swinging Swiss; or, a "Jass Club" in 1905

Michael McKernan mckernan at LOCALNET.COM
Fri Sep 9 00:04:14 UTC 2005

George Thompson wrote:

>But I am sorry to give up the idea that jazz wa invented by a gang of
>Swiss bell-ringers, though.

Whoa.  Don't forget that famous silent film (190X):  YOUNG MAN WITH AN
ALPENHORN, which also introduced jazz yodeling to US audiences, through
those fabulous tight shots featuring actual glottal flips, captured on film
for the first time ever.  It was the bane of every theater organist!  I've
heard that Clint Eastwood is talking of adding a soundtrack (digitally
remixed from wax cylinders) to the surviving footage, and reissuing this
classic.  Can't you hear Jersusalem moan?

Michael McKernan

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