(East) Texas "geechee" redux

Wilson Gray hwgray at GMAIL.COM
Wed Sep 14 21:12:51 UTC 2005

Lieutenant-General Russel Honore is a textbook example of the kind of
person that black (East) Texans refer to as a "geechee": a black
person from Louisiana in general or from New Orleans in particular,
especially one with a French or a Spanish surname and/or of mixed
African-European ancestry. For readers of TIME, on p.57 of the
September 19 issue, there are two more examples of the geechee type to
be found.

Needless to say, black people who fit this description are found all
over the United States, including Texas. Why black (East) Texans
should apply the term "geechee" specifically to black Louisianans I
have no idea. Indeed, my mother and her mother fit the type. But,
being native Texans, they would be referred to only as
"olive(-skinned)" and "bright(-skinned)," resp.

-Wilson Gray

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