W's "A"

sagehen sagehen at WESTELCOM.COM
Fri Sep 16 17:43:26 UTC 2005

W's dialect is a bit of a mystery, at least to me.  It always sounds as if
he's making it up as he goes along.  It's something most of us do from time
to time, but usually with the intention of sounding playful or ironic, not
if we're trying to be seriously persuasive.
I'm surprised W's handlers haven't schooled him out of some of the mistakes
he makes.  A case in point:  his last night's speech, from which I've heard
several clips of his saying,  "We have A [ei] duty...." which has a
distinctly hollow ring, when if he said, "We have a [uh or @] duty," it
would sound as if he were really talking instead of reading a script.

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