
Benjamin Zimmer bgzimmer at RCI.RUTGERS.EDU
Mon Sep 19 20:59:13 UTC 2005

NPR correspondent Farai Chideya has been blogging on the Katrina
aftermath, and she titled one blog entry, "In the K-Hole/Good News/Sad
Scenes" (see <http://faraichideya.com/>). Xeni Jardin of the Boing Boing
blog picked up on this neologism and is now using it...

Katrina: Farai Chideya, live from the K-Hole
My NPR colleague Farai Chideya has been reporting from areas hit by
Katrina -- aka the "K-Hole," in grim shorthand.
Part three of a personal diary maintained by a friend who's a television
cameraman working in the K-Hole.

Not sure if this one has any staying power... "Lake George" didn't seem to
catch on (<http://www.wonkette.com/politics/lake-george/index.php>).

--Ben Zimmer

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