Brooklynese in N.O.

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Tue Sep 20 15:20:32 UTC 2005

At 8:13 AM -0700 9/14/05, Arnold M. Zwicky wrote:
>when "the same" event happens on two different occasions, some
>explanation is then called for.  this explanation can be common cause
>(i have been asked whether Brooklyn and New Orleans were settled by
>the same people, and also whether there's something about life in
>Brooklyn and New Orleans -- the weather, maybe, or the flatness of
>the landscape, or working-class life -- that would trigger the same
>changes) or it can be one event causing the other (as in this tale
>about Brooklyn teachers being imported to New Orleans and carrying
>their pronunciations from one place to the other).
Naah, it's all those ersters.


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