verb eponyms

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Tue Sep 20 23:57:05 UTC 2005

>HDAS has "John-Wayne" 'to attack, overcome, deal with,etc. with great
>force and little deliberation; (also) to take decisive, often self-
>consciously heroic action." First printed cite is 1972 and I
>collected a new cite for it as recently as last week.
>Grant Barrett
>-- Project Editor, "Historical Dictionary of American Slang," Oxford
>University Press
>-- Editor, Double-Tongued Word Wrester,
>-- Webmaster, American Dialect Society,
>On Sep 18, 2005, at 19:51, Tom Kysilko wrote:
>>While driving around today I heard someone on NPR claim that the
>>only verb eponyms she could think of without "linguistic
>>decoration", i.e. without affixes such as -ize, were "Bork" and
>>Can anyone think of any others?

Of course if deictic/on-line examples are admitted, the process is
actually richly productive, as shown by Eve & Herb Clark ("When Nouns
Surface as Verbs", _Language_ 1979; cf. their discussion of "to
Houdini") and Simon & Garfunkel ("A Simple Desultory Philippic"):

(Or How I Was Robert McNamara'd into Submission)
I been Norman Mailered, Maxwell Taylored.
I been John O'Hara'd, McNamara'd.
I been Rolling Stoned and Beatled till I'm blind.
I been Ayn Randed, nearly branded
Communist, 'cause I'm left-handed.
That's the hand I use, well, never mind!
I been Phil Spectored, resurrected.
I been Lou Adlered, Barry Sadlered.
Well, I paid all the dues I want to pay.
And I learned the truth from Lenny Bruce,
And all my wealth won't buy me health,
So I smoke a pint of tea a day.

I been Mick Jaggered, silver daggered.
Andy Warhol, won't you please come home?
I been mothered, fathered, aunt and uncled,
Been Roy Haleyed and Art Garfunkeled.
I just discovered somebody's tapped my phone.

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