[Crosspost offering first cite]

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Wed Sep 21 00:13:08 UTC 2005

...for "forensic linguistics".  This quote has been discussed on the
forensic linguistics site for awhile, but here's the actual cite.

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Date:         Mon, 19 Sep 2005 16:00:49 -0400
Sender: The discussion list for Language and the Law
From: M van Naerssen <mvnaerss at SAS.UPENN.EDU>
Subject: [FL-LIST] FW: on history of FL Svartvik exact quote

My friend has just sent me this exact quote.
Margaret van Naerssen
----- Original Message -----
From: <mailto:memet at dlp.ens-cachan.fr>Monique Memet
To: <mailto:mvnaerss at sas.upenn.edu>M van Naerssen
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 11:46 AM
Subject: Re : forensic linguistics presentation, fyi

Here is the exact quotation for you:

The European English Messenger 14, 1 (2005)
Svartvik, Jan. " A Life in Linguistics." pp. 34-44

Exact quote: [an anecdote concerning a case, a murder in 1950, the
linguistics analysis carried out in 1966]... This has been my one and
only sally into forensic linguistics (I've later been told that I was
the first to use this term)...  p. 39

Monique Memet


--- end forwarded text

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