"Tagline Guru" survey has 'Big Apple" number one nickname

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Wed Sep 21 14:16:37 UTC 2005

At 9:00 AM -0400 9/21/05, Bapopik at AOL.COM wrote:
>The well-known moniker, "The Big Apple," was ranked #1 out of nearly 800 city
>  nicknames, followed by "Sin City" (Las Vegas); "The Big Easy" (New Orleans);
>  "Motor City" (Detroit); and "The Windy City" (Chicago).
>Highlighted  Links
>_Full Survey Results _
>_Award  Winners_
>Rankings were based on whether slogans and nicknames expressed a city's brand
>  character and personality; told a story in a clever, original, and memorable
>  way; and inspired others to visit there, move there, or learn more.
>For a list of the 50 top-ranked slogans and 50 top-ranked nicknames, and the
>criteria and methodology used to select them, go to

Hey, they left out New Haven, the Elm City.  Yes, all our elms died
off, but why should that be held against us?  Granted, it's not as
poetic as Porkopolis or The Protestant Vatican, but...


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