left right stuff
Jeff Prucher
jprucher at YAHOO.COM
Wed Sep 21 16:47:07 UTC 2005
It helps to bear in mind the adage "two wrongs don't make a right, but three
lefts do."
All this reminds me of what we called a "Detroit left" back in Ann Arbor
(although my mother-in-law, who is not a native Michigander, calls it a
Michigan left), where, in order to turn left onto a busy street you have to
first turn right (onto said busy street) and then make a U-turn, at which point
you will be going the correct way, although you probably have to wait at the
intersection again.
Jeff Prucher
> -----------------------
> Sender: American Dialect Society
> Poster: "Bethany K. Dumas"
> Subject: left right stuff
> >>> >> 17. The left turn is simple. If you want to turn left, go a 1/4 of
> >>> a mile
> >>> >> past your turn, get to the left, then make a left, then make a right.
> >>> >> NOW you have gone left.
> What am I missing? It seems to me that if you turn left (as your
> originally intended), then turn right, you have in fact turned right,
> not left.
> Thanks,
> Bethany
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