case choice by rhyme

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Thu Sep 22 14:50:45 UTC 2005

At 10:18 AM -0400 9/22/05, Laurence Horn wrote:
>  The relation of "she" and
>"belied" is not really relevant here, as can be seen from contexts
>not involving comparatives/equatives:
>I saw her whom I love.
>I was seen by she whom I love.
>Of course, I'm on shakier ground in these matters than our resident
>expert.  Arnold?
oops. I guess I don't need to rely on arnold to see I spoke too soon
on the last point, since the relevant case would be:

I saw {she/*her} who loves me.  [acc. to formal prescriptive rules]

To quote Emily Litella (unless it was Rosanne Rosannadanna), "Never mind."


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