cubic gallons

Jonathan Lighter wuxxmupp2000 at YAHOO.COM
Thu Sep 22 15:10:02 UTC 2005

Or a gallon, being a liquid measure, can be used to fill a perfectly cubical container.

But why you'd need to put out gallons in the shape of a cube still eludes me.

If the city is producing cubic gallons so as to freeze them as giant ice cubes for giant drinks later, the question then would be just when the "cubic" gallon is measured, as the volume would contract somewhat when frozen.

But the water is now too filthy to be used in giant ice cubes for giant drinks _for human consumption_.

There is much we still don't know.


James Smith <jsmithjamessmith at YAHOO.COM> wrote:
---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Dialect Society
Poster: James Smith
Subject: Re: cubic gallons


-gal- is a unit of gravitational acceleration (in
honor of Galileo). A situation may have arisen where
it was necessary to clarify that -gal- referred to a
unit of volume, hence cubic gal => cubic gallon was
born. Not very likely.

More likely a hypercorrection or misunderstanding,
like using light year as a measure of time.

--- Jonathan Lighter wrote:

> Fox News reports this morning that the municipal
> pumping stations in N.O. are pumping out "miliions
> of cubic gallons" of water per hour.
> Here's a site from 1997-99 that says the cubic
> gallon is real
> : "Other cubic measures are: Cubic meters, cubic
> gallons, cubic liters."
> It's copyrighted by Cislunar Aerospace, Inc., so it
> must be accurate ! About 500 Googlits for "cubic
> gallons" too ! (Fewer for "metric gallons.")
> Can anyone provide a scientific explanation ? Or
> is science baffled once again ?
> JL
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James D. SMITH |If history teaches anything
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