case choice by rhyme

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Fri Sep 23 03:36:50 UTC 2005

At 9/22/2005 11:27 AM, you wrote:
>         Actually, I don't think "she" is the object of "belied" at all.
>"She" is the object of the preposition "as."  "Belied" is a participle
>modifying "she."

I thought Larry had the right explanation, that it is a case of
"is".  (Why am I reminded of Bill?)  That is, more completely and
less poetically it would be "As any she [who is] belied with false
compare."  In that case, isn't "as" a conjunction, not a
preposition?  And "belied", while a participle, being used as a verb,
not as a noun?


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