cubic gallons

Michael McKernan mckernan at LOCALNET.COM
Sat Sep 24 05:36:02 UTC 2005

Bill.Mullins wrote:
>> In the continuing absence of a reply from someone with actual
>> knowledge,
>Here's some actual knowledge.  "Cubic gallons" is ignorance on the part
>of the user.  "Cubic" is used when describing volume to modify a linear
>measure -- cubic meters, cubic yards, cubic inches, etc.  "Gallon" is a
>measure of volume already, so adding "cubic" to it only confuses the

Another theoretical approach might be to assume that Fox and the
engineering firm were referring to a multi-dimensional New Orleans, where
more than the Euclidean dimensions (plus time) were in play, so that there
could be a fifth dimension (or more), where a Euclidean volume such as an
English or Imperial gallon could exist on each 'face' of a
multi-dimensional, 'cubic gallon'.  Such an object would be similar to the
'tessaract' of non-Euclidean solid geometry (and sci-fi).

The missing relief supplies, personnel, and leaders might all be wandering
around somewhere in this multi-dimensional New Orleans, surrounded by
gallons of gallons, wherever they turned.

Please apply the prosodicon you feel is most appropriate to this message,
before consigning it to the dimensionless depths.

Michael McKernan

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