A Snowball's Chance

Jonathan Lighter wuxxmupp2000 at YAHOO.COM
Mon Sep 26 01:46:59 UTC 2005

1908 is the year to beat.


Bapopik at AOL.COM wrote:
---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Dialect Society
Poster: Bapopik at AOL.COM
Subject: A Snowball's Chance

"A snowball's chance" ("in hell" or "in an oven") came up on the Slant Point
blog. I don't know if the HDAS has it for the next volume ("S").
Did I say that I had a tough week? So I e-mailed Snapple and New York
Marketing. There's an agreement to sell NYC with Snapple. I said that they must put
under the bottle caps that "the Big Apple" comes from New Orleans. Nothing.
So I again e-mailed the newly re-elected Public Advocate. Nothing. Granted,
it's only been fifteen years of purgatory for doing a good deed, and I've lost
tens of thousands of personal dollars in running for office, and I sure have
a lot to show for it...
_The Port Arthur News_
(http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Viewer.aspx?img=QHMdF73tEsiKID/6NLMW2lAYljTwxc5QdSatDNIQwY+rE4a4Ig4um0IF+CsZYmrz) _Thursday,
August 08, 1940_ (http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Search.aspx?Search=) _Port
(http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Search.aspx?Search="snowball's+chance"+AND+cityid:23362+AND+stateid:94+AND+range:1753-1940) _Texas_
...candidate. Nom- inee Willkie hasn't a SNOWBALL'S CHANCE of carrying mere

_Ironwood Daily Globe_
(http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Viewer.aspx?img=e0sfgs8TnFyKID/6NLMW2scES13Zz2IFOQOXcvIUdRxqjU2MW2JiK0IF+CsZYmrz) _Tuesday, August
06, 1940_ (http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Search.aspx?Search=) _Ironwood,_
yid:13922+AND+stateid:52+AND+range:1753-1940) _Michigan_
...candidate. Nominee Wlllkle hasn' a SNOWBALL'S CHANCE of carrying more

_The Helena Independent_
(http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Viewer.aspx?img=wSCs6S0EhDCKID/6NLMW2v4hzTOdGQJr9t7CU6e2x2SUNB3I6gXroA==) _Thursday, March 29,
1934_ (http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Search.aspx?Search=) _Helena,_
2+AND+stateid:59+AND+range:1753-1940) _Montana_
...the game might stand at least a SNOWBALL'S CHANCE of some day being..

_Oakland Tribune_
(http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Viewer.aspx?img=j91JOupTOn+KID/6NLMW2vggcBXQo/nzu1cCYFldvQOdJMTpvML7CUIF+CsZYmrz) _Sunday, August 13,
1933_ (http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Search.aspx?Search=) _Oakland,_
00+AND+stateid:14+AND+range:1753-1940) _California_
...that they would stand the proverbial SNOWBALL'S CHANCE in an oven. They

_The Daily Review_
(http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Viewer.aspx?img=ssVO2f5ZuruKID/6NLMW2lIquCWlf3bKUyKlV/ZwrQv143gldRZiMQ==) _Thursday, April 16, 1908_
(http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Search.aspx?Search=) _Decatur,_
stateid:37+AND+range:1753-1940) _Illinois_
...was ordered released from bond. HAD SNOWBALL'S CHANCE The defense In
the.....udgps In tho Eighth diatrict with the snowball and wound up his peech
with a..

_The Syracuse Herald_
(http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Viewer.aspx?img=lrCUoQlefzKKID/6NLMW2hl/q8G5FXypjoPM3R/VUQPKP8ZE3bvS0UIF+CsZYmrz) _Friday, May 23,
1919_ (http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Search.aspx?Search=) _Syracuse,_
8660+AND+stateid:67+AND+range:1753-1940) _New York_
...but the little fellow hasn't a SNOWBALL'S CHANCE. No matter what he we..

_Oakland Tribune_
(http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Viewer.aspx?img=j91JOupTOn+KID/6NLMW2nowmrVceAQDWB8b927sy//Ebqek/3OYKUIF+CsZYmrz) _Saturday, June 27,
1914_ (http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Search.aspx?Search=) _Oakland,_
00+AND+stateid:14+AND+range:1753-1940) _California_
...tne tmutti Folo team oudn t stand A SNOWBALL'S CHANCE. The Cornell crew..

_The Port Arthur News_
(http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Viewer.aspx?img=MSL63G2EslCKID/6NLMW2ute3M5STMGAceCfR1trGF7r/I3SHxIPc0IF+CsZYmrz) _Wednesday, July
14, 1926_ (http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Search.aspx?Search=) _Port
(http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Search.aspx?Search="snowball's+chance"+AND+cityid:23362+AND+stateid:94+AND+range:1753-1940) _Texas_
...names appear on the official ballot. SNOWBALL'S CHANCE Not one of the
three.....a greater CHANCE of nomination than a snowball would have to exist
more than a..

_Ironwood Daily Globe_
(http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Viewer.aspx?img=/TuInQ3tu5uKID/6NLMW2i6MpzraruZvN69T2CFWsuDa8Qd2p+KygEIF+CsZYmrz) _Friday,
September 02, 1938_ (http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Search.aspx?Search=)
(http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Search.aspx?Search="snowball's+chance"+AND+cityid:13922+AND+stateid:52+AND+range:1753-1940) _Michigan_
e:1753-1940) ...as an independ- ent, wouldn't have a SNOWBALL'S CHANCE to
beat the machine..

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