Fwd: cubic gallons

Peter A. McGraw pmcgraw at LINFIELD.EDU
Mon Sep 26 21:22:19 UTC 2005

I'm old enough, but in said elementary school I was always bothered by the
concept of something being measured in "square something-or-others" without
having to be square in shape.  If it was "square feet" of something
amorphous, I always pictured the something being cut and shaved into pieces
minute enough to be reassembled into a square.

Peter Mc.

--On Saturday, September 24, 2005 11:28 PM -0400 Wilson Gray
<hwgray at GMAIL.COM> wrote:

> Sigh! Is anyone else old enough to remember when any elementary-school
> child knew that 640 acres <=> one square mile and it never occurred to
> anyone that either the 640 acres or the square mile had to be
> *literally* square in shape?

Peter A. McGraw       Linfield College        McMinnville, Oregon
******************* pmcgraw at linfield.edu ****************************

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