Kool-Aid drinker = dupe of propagandists, publicists, etc.

Benjamin Zimmer bgzimmer at RCI.RUTGERS.EDU
Wed Sep 28 15:00:40 UTC 2005

On Wed, 28 Sep 2005 10:36:57 -0400, Orion Montoya wrote:

>Last week in conversation about some software*, a co-worker said I
>"hadn't drunk the [program] kool-aid yet."  In this sense a kool-aid
>drinker is not a dupe but a convert.  In fact, I suppose, he was
>referring to kool-aid drinking from Jim Jones' perspective: that as
>soon as I drink the kool-aid, my life will be better and I will be
>transported to a higher plane [of efficiency].  Perhaps I should be
>disturbed by this.

The Jim Jones reading appears to be the most common one. See:


The Jargon File entry mentions "resonances with Ken Kesey's Electric
Kool-Aid Acid Tests", and that's taken as the primary reading by some:


--Ben Zimmer

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