NY Evening Graphic (still lost)

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Wed Sep 28 15:47:48 UTC 2005

I noticed the website _www.bernerrmacfadden.com_
(http://www.bernerrmacfadden.com) . It states  that there is a new biography of Bernarr Macfadden due in
2006. I e-mailed the  guy about the long-lost 1920s New York Evening Graphic
issues. As stated before:  Walter Winchell wrote for the Graphic. The NYPL
thought the newspaper was trash  and didn't collect it, so we lost all of that
I just got an e-mail back from the biographer that he doesn't know where  any
more issues are. Oh well.
Barry Popik
Hi Barry,

I've seen a few individual issues of the Graphic in  private collections, but
the only collection I know of is the six weeks' worth  that the NYPL kept. If
you find any I'd love to  know.


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