gnarly = cool (1979)

Mullins, Bill Bill.Mullins at US.ARMY.MIL
Fri Sep 30 18:05:14 UTC 2005

While hunting for gnarly and rad, I found:

cherry (attrib) [OED has 1889 for cherry = virginity (noun), but nothing
for adjectival.  Plus, the following sense isn't literally "virgin", but
at best a figurative use.]

Riding the Waves of 'California Dreaming'
Los Angeles Times; Dec 11, 1977; "Calendar" section, p.66 col 1.
"The weather was so <i> bitchin </i>.  And the girls were <i> choice
</i>. That Corvette, so <i> cherry </i>.  The surf was up, the waves <i>
gnarly </i>."

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