ADS-L Digest - 2 Apr 2006 to 3 Apr 2006 (#2006-94)
Jonathan Lighter
wuxxmupp2000 at YAHOO.COM
Tue Apr 4 15:14:40 UTC 2006
"Uptight" frequently means/ meant "terrific" in AAVE. Like when James Brown sang, "Uptight and outta sight!"
"Landau, James" <James.Landau at NGC.COM> wrote:
---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Dialect Society
Poster: "Landau, James"
Subject: Re: ADS-L Digest - 2 Apr 2006 to 3 Apr 2006 (#2006-94)
In Basic Training (1969) I frequently heard the Drill Instructors use
the phrase "your shit is uptight", used as a compliment to a trainee who
did something right.
I have never heard this expression elsewhere.
- James A. Landau
"White people have no souls" --- Baron Munchausen
"Douglas G. Wilson" wrote:
---------------------- Information from the mail header
Sender: American Dialect Society
Poster: "Douglas G. Wilson"
Subject: Re: More old GI slang
>"You live in shit!"
>Back in the late '50's and the early '60's, this phrase, with
>sentential stress on "shit," was used by white GI's to congratulate a
>person who'd unexpectedly had something especially good happen to him,
>such as being assigned to T[emporary]D[ut]Y, which both lowered one's
>work load and simultaneously raised one's pay.
>IAC, I've never been able to figure out the semantic reanalysis
>necessary to use something really bad to describle something really
>good. Of course, I realize that "bad" can mean "good."
Maybe this is a version of "happy as a pig in shit"/"like pigs in
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