Claim for origin of "Cruisazy"

Dennis Baron debaron at UIUC.EDU
Fri Jan 13 16:39:38 UTC 2006

would an exodontist give you an out-of-tooth experience?

oh, there's a bright white light at the end of a long tunnel. . . .

On Jan 13, 2006, at 10:22 AM, Laurence Horn wrote:

> ---------------------- Information from the mail header
> -----------------------
> Sender:       American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
> Poster:       Laurence Horn <laurence.horn at YALE.EDU>
> Subject:      Re: Claim for origin of                "Cruisazy"
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
> At 10:04 AM -0500 1/13/06, RonButters at AOL.COM wrote:
>> In a message dated 1/13/06 9:45:05 AM, AAllan at AOL.COM writes:
>>>  Google
>>>  Cruisazy, see where it leads, always to MissWit!
>>>  It's totally cruisazy that you should leave this valuable
>>> information
>>>  out!  Where is the truthiness in your reporting?
>> The information is not particularly valuable to anyone except
>> MissWit, nor is
>> the New Words Competition a "reproting" event. And "Cruizay" is a
>> particularly stupid "word," one that should have a half-life shorter
>> than a fruit fly (or
>> Bush Lips). This ranks in importance right down there with--and is
>> far more
>> egregiously self-serving than--the complaints of the guy who wants
>> us to add
>> EXODENTIST to the vocaublary of English just in case the aliens,
>> when they land,
>> have need for a root canal.
> I'd go with "exodontist" myself (à la grecque), as in "endodontist",
> "periodontist".
> larry

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