When did "Black" start replacing "negro"?

Bethany K. Dumas dumasb at UTKUX.UTCC.UTK.EDU
Sat Jun 3 01:47:22 UTC 2006

This is from memory - I think my recollections are accurate, but I cannot
document them. I taught at Southern University in Baton Rouge 1966-67,
then occasional semesters (mostly summers) while I was completing my
doctorate - until my final year there, 1971-72 (I taught the entire year
there that year). I arrived in Baton Rouge in 1966 using "Black"
consistently. I had older "Black" colleagues who did not like the label -
they preferred Negro. (Most of my colleagues were Black - there were only
a handful of white instructors on campus, most of them -though not me -
either NEH or NDEA Fellows).

(I took the job at Southern because I thought I would learn something
there - I learned a ton teaching there.)


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