"Eeyore" noun attr.

sagehen sagehen at WESTELCOM.COM
Fri Jun 23 21:06:37 UTC 2006

>"Chan's story is moving nonetheless, and with her unseeing eyes and
>dark Eeyore voice, she's a presence you don't want to let go of."
>Boston Globe, Movie Review, "A fragmented look at lives of longing"
>(review of "Be With Me"), June 23, 2006, D12/6.
>Google hits for  "eeyore voice" -"eeyore's voice" -"(voice)"  -- are zero.
My only referent for Eeyore's voice would be the texts themselves, since
I've never seen the (Disney?) cartoon movie or heard a dramatization.
Eeyore, nevertheless, has a pretty unmistakable voice to my ear: somewhat
despairing, tired & lugubrious, with its signal utterance,"How like them."

~@:>   ~@:>   ~@:>   ~@:>

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