Banning Cassells

Wilson Gray hwgray at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jun 26 14:08:02 UTC 2006

No offense meant?  None taken, given that the rules are basically the
same here: "nigger" is okay; "fuck" is not.

There's one odd exception, the B[lack]E[entertainment]T[elevision]
does bleep out "nigger." Passing strange, since it causes one of its
most popular programs, Comicview, to be virtually one long bleep.


On 6/25/06, Jonathon Green <slang at> wrote:
> ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
> Sender:       American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
> Poster:       Jonathon Green <slang at ABECEDARY.NET>
> Subject:      Banning Cassells
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> My last, as must have been apparent, was intended as a personal letter
> to Ben Zimmer. I made what is not, iperhaps, the uncommon mistaken of
> hitting 'reply' without noticing that his note had originated via the
> ADS. My apologies to everyone else.
> JG
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society -

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