
Brenda Lester alphatwin2002 at YAHOO.COM
Mon Jun 26 20:04:34 UTC 2006

PETA, the same people who wanted the name of Fishkill (New York) to be changed because it perpetuates the abuse of fish. I found this in THE WEEK magazine some months ago. I wrote PETA and informed them that "kill" comes from the Dutch word for stream or creek, or crick, as some of the locals pronounce it here in the Hudson River Valley.

"Mullins, Bill AMRDEC" <Bill.Mullins at US.ARMY.MIL> wrote:
  Even better is the side bar:

"How should PETA be defined in the dictionary?

A socially conscious group committed to defending animal rights

A loopy, dangerous and freaky organization

A mainstream group that works within the system

A hobby for moonbats and rich liberals with nothing better to do "

Note the use of "moonbats", which is often seen in conservative blogs to
describe those who have gone over the left-wing edge.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: American Dialect Society
> [mailto:ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU] On Behalf Of James callan
> Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 9:28 AM
> Subject: PETA wants Merriam-Webster to redefine "circus"
> ---------------------- Information from the mail header
> -----------------------
> Sender: American Dialect Society
> Poster: James callan
> Subject: PETA wants Merriam-Webster to redefine "circus"
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------
> PETA activists are cracking the whip on Springfield-based
> Merriam- Webster, demanding that the definition of "circus"
> be rewritten to label the big top as cruel to "captive"
> animal performers.
> The dictionary currently defines a circus as "an arena often
> covered by a tent and used for variety shows, usually
> including feats of physical skill, wild animal acts, and
> performances by clowns."
> But People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals - known for
> caging naked women to protest the wearing of fur and
> protesting the living conditions of pet store iguanas - wants
> a new entry.
> The definitions in question, from
> localRegional/
> Current Webster's definition:
> circus - n. An arena, often enclosed in a tent or building
> for performances by acrobats, trained animals, clowns, etc.
> PETA's proposed definition:
> circus - n. Historically, a spectacle that relies on captive
> animals who are torn from their families and friends in
> savannahs, rainforests, or deserts and transported in chains;
> tiny, barren cages; or train cars from city to city. They are
> forced to perform painful, confusing, unnatural, and
> frightening tricks under the constant threat of punishment
> with whips, bullhooks, or electric prods. Modern circuses
> include only willing human performers, such as acrobats,
> contortionists, fire-eaters, trapeze artists, trick cyclists,
> and clowns.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society -

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