"Steal Men" & "Stealers"

Mullins, Bill AMRDEC Bill.Mullins at US.ARMY.MIL
Thu May 4 22:45:55 UTC 2006

Those wacky New Yorkers!  The odd word usements they structure!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: American Dialect Society
> [mailto:ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU] On Behalf Of Bapopik at AOL.COM
> Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 5:42 PM
> Subject: "Steal Men" & "Stealers"
> ---------------------- Information from the mail header
> -----------------------
> Sender:       American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
> Poster:       Bapopik at AOL.COM
> Subject:      "Steal Men" & "Stealers"
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------
> "Steal men" and "stealers"? Are these terms used locally?
> What about "thieves"?
> ...
> ...
> ...
> ...
> _Operation Biker Boyz Breaks Up Alleged Theft  Ring_
> (http://www.nysun.com/article/32177)
> New York  Sun, NY -  <NOBR>13 ho
> ... "The Biker Boyz were nothing if not brazen," Police
> Commissioner Raymond Kelly said. ... The "stealers" would get
>  about $2,500 for each bike they stole. ...
> ...
> ...
> ...
> 4 May 2006, METRO NY, "NYPD busts 'Biker Boyz,'" pg.  2:
> Lengel, who also worked at a scaffolding company in Long
> Island  City, paid
> 17 alleged "steal men" about $2,500 for each motorcycle--and
> then  resold them for as much as $16,000, Kelly  said.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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