Poop [was: True Blue]

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Wed Nov 15 02:06:23 UTC 2006

At 11/14/2006 08:47 PM, James Landau wrote:

>my response: Perhaps I should quote the entire paragraph:
>    "And lastly, as for the TRrumpet of Disaffection, which he [the
> writer of the letter being responsed to] blows at the Poop of his
> Performance, I dare aver that no true Churchman willever dance to
> his Music, let him even distend his Buccinators till they burst, or
> break his Wind in the fruitless Effort.  Peccet ad extremyum
> ridendus, et illia ducat"

Poop is pretty clear with your added context, as "wind" (both
senses).  And "buccinators"!  Cheek muscles, indeed.  Lovely!  They
had a flair for invective then.


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