"it's turtles all they way down"

Stephen Goranson goranson at DUKE.EDU
Tue Nov 21 13:06:21 UTC 2006

Quoting Fred Shapiro <fred.shapiro at YALE.EDU>:

> On Sat, 18 Nov 2006, Arnold M. Zwicky wrote:
>> Haj Ross (J.R. Ross) tells the turtles version (attributed to William
>> James)  at the beginning of his 1967 Ph.D. dissertation, Constraints
>> on Variables in Syntax.
> I haven't verified this, but I am told that it is the "rocks all the way
> down" version that James recounts in _The Will to Believe_.

"rocks all the way down" is in his essay "The Sentiment of Rationality,"  p534
in Writings 1878-1899


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