George Thompson george.thompson at NYU.EDU
Mon Nov 27 16:41:01 UTC 2006

> I wonder if THE ADVOCATE is searchable.  Ron Butters.
> ------------------------------------------------------------

There is at least an index in book form for the first 15 years:

An index to The advocate: the national gay newsmagazine, 1967-1982 /
compiled by Robert B. Marks Ridinger.

I have tried to order this for the library here, so far without success,
but was told at the time I sent down the order that there were still
copies available in the Advocate's office.


George A. Thompson
Author of A Documentary History of "The African Theatre", Northwestern
Univ. Pr., 1998, but nothing much lately.

----- Original Message -----
From: RonButters at AOL.COM
Date: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 10:06 pm
Subject: Re:       Re: [ADS-L] GAY-BASHING query

> I wonder if THE ADVOCATE is searchable.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society -

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