Slight antedating of "Curses, foiled again" (1929)

Mullins, Bill AMRDEC Bill.Mullins at US.ARMY.MIL
Mon Nov 27 17:59:33 UTC 2006

A little farther back . . . .

"Germs of Thought"  New York | Middletown | Daily Herald | 1926-01-23 p.
4 col 3.

"Then the hero and heroine would embrace, the drummer in the pit would
softly roll the drum and the curtain would roll down while the villian
rolled his eyes and snarled:  "Curses!  Foiled again!" "

> Fred's (wonderful) YBQ gives us a 9 January 1930 usage of
> this phrase in a Moon Mullins comic strip.  For what it's
> worth, here are a couple print appearances from 1929.
> -- Bonnie
> -------------------
> Curses, foiled again!
> it won't explode -- it's
> C A R B O N A
> *Cleaning Fluid*
> [Etc.]
> (A display ad appearing in *The Chicago Tribune*, 24 April
> 1929, Pg. 20.
> Carbona Products Co. had asked readers for possible
> advertisement themes; this one was suggested by R.A. Baker of
> [someplace], New York.  It's also complete with a terrific
> cartoon depicting a Snidely-Whiplash type, the requisite
> damsel in distress, and our hero on horseback in the distance.)
> -------------------
> "Curses!" Cries The Villain.  "Foiled Again!"
> (The title for a drawing that appeared in *The Fresno Bee*, 1
> October 1929, Pg. 8-A.  The image and its caption promote an
> upcoming burlesque show:
> "Dirty work at the crossing, on the great railroad scene in
> After Dark, burlesque revival of the famous old melodrama,
> which comes to the White Theater next Sunday for a matinee
> and evening performance.")
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society -

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